Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
brother kasígnētos, adelpheós kasígnētos, adelpheós
brother's daughter adelphidéē adelphidéē
brother's son adelphidéos adelphidéos
brother's wife nuós nuós
child tékos, páis tékos, páis
child's child paidòs paidí paidòs paidí
daughter thugátēr thugátēr
daughter's daughter thugatridéē thugatridéē
daughter's husband gambrós gambrós
daughter's son thugatridéos thugatridéos
father patḗr patḗr
father's brother pátrōs, patrokasígnētos, theîos pátrōs, patrokasígnētos, theîos
father's brother's daughter anepsiḗ, anepsiá anepsiḗ, anepsiá
father's brother's son anepsiós anepsiós
father's brother's older daughter anepsiḗ, anepsiá anepsiḗ, anepsiá
father's brother's older son anepsiós anepsiós
father's brother's younger daughter anepsiḗ, anepsiá anepsiḗ, anepsiá
father's brother's younger son anepsiós anepsiós
father's father páppos, patropátōr páppos, patropátōr
father's mother tḗthē, patromḗtōr tḗthē, patromḗtōr
father's sister tēthís, patrokasígnḗtē tēthís, patrokasígnḗtē
father's sister's daughter anepsiḗ, anepsiá anepsiḗ, anepsiá
father's sister's son anepsiós anepsiós
father's sisters's older daughter anepsiḗ, anepsiá anepsiḗ, anepsiá
father's sisters's older son anepsiós anepsiós
father's sisters's younger daughter anepsiḗ, anepsiá anepsiḗ, anepsiá
father's sisters's younger son anepsiós anepsiós
father's older brother pátrōs, patrokasígnētos, theîos pátrōs, patrokasígnētos, theîos
father's older brother's daughter anepsiḗ, anepsiá anepsiḗ, anepsiá
father's older brother's son anepsiós anepsiós
father's older sister tēthís, patrokasígnḗtē tēthís, patrokasígnḗtē
father's older sister's daughter anepsiḗ, anepsiá anepsiḗ, anepsiá
father's older sister's son anepsiós anepsiós
father's younger brother pátrōs, patrokasígnētos, theîos pátrōs, patrokasígnētos, theîos
father's younger brother's daughter anepsiḗ, anepsiá anepsiḗ, anepsiá
father's younger brother's son anepsiós anepsiós
father's younger sister tēthís, patrokasígnḗtē tēthís, patrokasígnḗtē
father's younger sister's daughter anepsiḗ, anepsiá anepsiḗ, anepsiá
father's younger sister's son anepsiós anepsiós
husband anḗr anḗr
husband's brother daḗr daḗr
husband's father hekurós hekurós
husband's mother hekurḗ hekurḗ
husband's sister gáloōs gáloōs
mother mḗtēr mḗtēr
mother's brother mētrokasígnētos, theîos, mḗtrōs mētrokasígnētos, theîos, mḗtrōs
mother's brother's daughter anepsiḗ, anepsiá anepsiḗ, anepsiá
mother's brother's son anepsiós anepsiós
mother's brother's older daughter anepsiḗ, anepsiá anepsiḗ, anepsiá
mother's brother's older son anepsiós anepsiós
mother's brother's younger daughter anepsiḗ, anepsiá anepsiḗ, anepsiá
mother's brother's younger son anepsiós anepsiós
mother's father páppos, mētropátōr páppos, mētropátōr
mother's mother mētromḗtōr, tḗthē mētromḗtōr, tḗthē
mother's sister tēthís, mētrokasígnḗtē tēthís, mētrokasígnḗtē
mother's sister's daughter anepsiḗ, anepsiá anepsiḗ, anepsiá
mother's sister's son anepsiós anepsiós
mother's sisters's older daughter anepsiḗ, anepsiá anepsiḗ, anepsiá
mother's sisters's older son anepsiós anepsiós
mother's sisters's younger daughter anepsiḗ, anepsiá anepsiḗ, anepsiá
mother's sisters's younger son anepsiós anepsiós
mother's older brother mētrokasígnētos, theîos, mḗtrōs mētrokasígnētos, theîos, mḗtrōs
mother's older brother's daughter anepsiḗ, anepsiá anepsiḗ, anepsiá
mother's older brother's son anepsiós anepsiós
mother's older sister tēthís, mētrokasígnḗtē tēthís, mētrokasígnḗtē
mother's older sister's daughter anepsiḗ, anepsiá anepsiḗ, anepsiá
mother's older sister's son anepsiós anepsiós
mother's younger brother mētrokasígnētos, theîos, mḗtrōs mētrokasígnētos, theîos, mḗtrōs
mother's younger brother's daughter anepsiḗ, anepsiá anepsiḗ, anepsiá
mother's younger brother's son anepsiós anepsiós
mother's younger sister tēthís, mētrokasígnḗtē tēthís, mētrokasígnḗtē
mother's younger sister's daughter anepsiḗ, anepsiá anepsiḗ, anepsiá
mother's younger sister's son anepsiós anepsiós
parent tokeús tokeús
son huiós huiós
son's daughter huidéē huidéē
son's son huiōnós, huidéos huiōnós, huidéos
son's wife nuós nuós
wife gunḗ gunḗ
wife's father pentherós pentherós
wife's mother pentherḗ pentherḗ
sister kasignḗtē, adelphée kasignḗtē, adelphée
sister's daughter adelphidéē adelphidéē
sister's husband gambrós gambrós
sister's son adelphidéos adelphidéos
older brother kasígnētos, adelpheós kasígnētos, adelpheós
older brother's daughter adelphidéē adelphidéē
older brother's son adelphidéos adelphidéos
older sister kasignḗtē, adelphée kasignḗtē, adelphée
older sister's daughter adelphidéē adelphidéē
older sister's son adelphidéos adelphidéos
younger brother kasígnētos, adelpheós kasígnētos, adelpheós
younger brother's daughter adelphidéē adelphidéē
younger brother's son adelphidéos adelphidéos
younger sister kasignḗtē, adelphée kasignḗtē, adelphée
younger sister's daughter adelphidéē adelphidéē
younger sister's son adelphidéos adelphidéos