Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
brother is is
brother's daughter ist'is kid, isis kid ist'is kid, isis kid
brother's son isis o'zho', ist'is o'zho' isis o'zho', ist'is o'zho'
child naslo, k"ova naslo, k"ova
daughter kid kid
daughter's daughter kibbas kid, o'zhdis kid kibbas kid, o'zhdis kid
daughter's husband dursa dursa
daughter's son o'zhdis o'zho', kibbas o'zho' o'zhdis o'zho', kibbas o'zho'
father abo abo
father's brother abos is abos is
father's brother's daughter yaccal yaccal
father's brother's son waccal waccal
father's brother's older daughter yaccal yaccal
father's brother's older son waccal waccal
father's brother's younger daughter yaccal yaccal
father's brother's younger son waccal waccal
father's father iyos abo, abos abo iyos abo, abos abo
father's mother iyos iyo, abos iyo, abo-iyo iyos iyo, abos iyo, abo-iyo
father's sister aboisi, abos isi aboisi, abos isi
father's sister's daughter yaccal yaccal
father's sister's son waccal waccal
father's sisters's older daughter yaccal yaccal
father's sisters's older son waccal waccal
father's sisters's younger daughter yaccal yaccal
father's sisters's younger son waccal waccal
father's older brother abos is abos is
father's older brother's daughter yaccal yaccal
father's older brother's son waccal waccal
father's older sister aboisi, abos isi aboisi, abos isi
father's older sister's daughter yaccal yaccal
father's older sister's son waccal waccal
father's younger brother abos is abos is
father's younger brother's daughter yaccal yaccal
father's younger brother's son waccal waccal
father's younger sister aboisi, abos isi aboisi, abos isi
father's younger sister's daughter yaccal yaccal
father's younger sister's son waccal waccal
grandparent isi, is isi, is
husband nuzo, bet'erg'an бетІергьан, nuzo
husband's father uk"o abo uk"o abo
husband's mother yuk"o iyo yuk"o iyo
mother iyo iyo
mother's brother iyos is iyos is
mother's brother's daughter yaccal yaccal
mother's brother's son waccal waccal
mother's brother's older daughter yaccal yaccal
mother's brother's older son waccal waccal
mother's brother's younger daughter yaccal yaccal
mother's brother's younger son waccal waccal
mother's father iyos abo, abos abo iyos abo, abos abo
mother's mother iyos iyo, abos iyo, abo-iyo iyos iyo, abos iyo, abo-iyo
mother's sister iyos isi, iyoisi iyos isi, iyoisi
mother's sister's daughter yaccal yaccal
mother's sister's son waccal waccal
mother's sisters's older daughter yaccal yaccal
mother's sisters's older son waccal waccal
mother's sisters's younger daughter yaccal yaccal
mother's sisters's younger son waccal waccal
mother's older brother iyos is iyos is
mother's older brother's daughter yaccal yaccal
mother's older brother's son waccal waccal
mother's older sister iyos isi, iyoisi iyos isi, iyoisi
mother's older sister's daughter yaccal yaccal
mother's older sister's son waccal waccal
mother's younger brother iyos is iyos is
mother's younger brother's daughter yaccal yaccal
mother's younger brother's son waccal waccal
mother's younger sister iyos isi, iyoisi iyos isi, iyoisi
mother's younger sister's daughter yaccal yaccal
mother's younger sister's son waccal waccal
son öžö öžö
son's daughter kibbas kid, o'zhdis kid kibbas kid, o'zhdis kid
son's son o'zhdis o'zho', kibbas o'zho' o'zhdis o'zho', kibbas o'zho'
son's wife o'zhdis akh"o, ist'is akh"o, ist'ilay o'zhdis akh"o, ist'is akh"o, ist'ilay
wife akh"o akh"o
wife's father yuk"o abo yuk"o abo
wife's mother yik"o iyo yik"o iyo
sister isi isi
sister's daughter ist'is kid, isis kid ist'is kid, isis kid
sister's son isis o'zho', ist' is o'zho' isis o'zho', ist' is o'zho'
older brother is is
older brother's daughter ist'is kid, isis kid ist'is kid, isis kid
older brother's son isis o'zho', ist'is o'zho' isis o'zho', ist'is o'zho'
older sister isi isi
older sister's daughter ist'is kid, isis kid ist'is kid, isis kid
older sister's son isis o'zho', ist' is o'zho' isis o'zho', ist' is o'zho'
younger brother itʼino is itʼino is
younger brother's daughter ist'is kid, isis kid ist'is kid, isis kid
younger brother's son isis o'zho', ist'is o'zho' isis o'zho', ist'is o'zho'
younger sister itʼino isi itʼino isi
younger sister's daughter ist'is kid, isis kid ist'is kid, isis kid
younger sister's son isis o'zho', ist' is o'zho' isis o'zho', ist' is o'zho'