Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
brother wac wac
brother's daughter wacu yah, yacuƛ yah wacu yah, yacuƛ yah
brother's son wacu waha, yacuƛ waha wacu waha, yacuƛ waha
child naslu naslu
daughter yah yah
daughter's daughter yahuƛ yah, wahʷi yah yahuƛ yah, wahʷi yah
daughter's husband nusa nusa
daughter's son wahu waha, yahuƛ waha wahu waha, yahuƛ waha
father ima ima
father's brother imu wac imu wac
father's brother's daughter yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
father's brother's son yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
father's brother's older daughter yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
father's brother's older son yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
father's brother's younger daughter yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
father's brother's younger son yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
father's father gošdad, gošēma gošdad, gošēma
father's mother gošēla gošēla
father's sister imi yac imi yac
father's sister's daughter yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
father's sister's son yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
father's sisters's older daughter yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
father's sisters's older son yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
father's sisters's younger daughter yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
father's sisters's younger son yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
father's older brother imu wac imu wac
father's older brother's daughter yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
father's older brother's son yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
father's older sister imi yac imi yac
father's older sister's daughter yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
father's older sister's son yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
father's younger brother imu wac imu wac
father's younger brother's daughter yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
father's younger brother's son yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
father's younger sister imi yac imi yac
father's younger sister's daughter yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
father's younger sister's son yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
grandparent yac, wac yac, wac
husband hekʼʷa hekʼʷa
husband's father hakʼuƛ ima, imaƛ̄ʼar hakʼuƛ ima, imaƛ̄ʼar
husband's mother ilaƛ̄ʼar, hakʼuƛ ila ilaƛ̄ʼar, hakʼuƛ ila
mother ila ila
mother's brother iluƛ wac iluƛ wac
mother's brother's daughter yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
mother's brother's son yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
mother's brother's older daughter yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
mother's brother's older son yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
mother's brother's younger daughter yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
mother's brother's younger son yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
mother's father gošdad, gošēma gošdad, gošēma
mother's mother gošēla gošēla
mother's sister iluƛ yac iluƛ yac
mother's sister's daughter yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
mother's sister's son yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
mother's sisters's older daughter yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
mother's sisters's older son yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
mother's sisters's younger daughter yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
mother's sisters's younger son yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
mother's older brother iluƛ wac iluƛ wac
mother's older brother's daughter yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
mother's older brother's son yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
mother's older sister iluƛ yac iluƛ yac
mother's older sister's daughter yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
mother's older sister's son yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
mother's younger brother iluƛ wac iluƛ wac
mother's younger brother's daughter yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
mother's younger brother's son yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
mother's younger sister iluƛ yac iluƛ yac
mother's younger sister's daughter yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
mother's younger sister's son yacāb, wacāb yacāb, wacāb
son waha waha
son's daughter yahuƛ yah, wahʷi yah yahuƛ yah, wahʷi yah
son's son wahu waha, yahuƛ waha wahu waha, yahuƛ waha
son's wife wahʷi has̄ʼ, wacʷi has̄ʼ wahʷi has̄ʼ, wacʷi has̄ʼ
wife has̄ʼ has̄ʼ
wife's father hekʼʷas̄ʷi ila, imaƛ̄ʼar hekʼʷas̄ʷi ila, imaƛ̄ʼar
wife's mother hekʼʷas̄ʷi ila, ilaƛ̄ʼar hekʼʷas̄ʷi ila, ilaƛ̄ʼar
sister yac yac
sister's daughter wacu yah, yacuƛ yah wacu yah, yacuƛ yah
sister's son wacu waha, yacuƛ waha wacu waha, yacuƛ waha
older brother wac wac
older brother's daughter wacu yah, yacuƛ yah wacu yah, yacuƛ yah
older brother's son wacu waha, yacuƛ waha wacu waha, yacuƛ waha
older sister yac yac
older sister's daughter wacu yah, yacuƛ yah wacu yah, yacuƛ yah
older sister's son wacu waha, yacuƛ waha wacu waha, yacuƛ waha
younger brother mikʼuwus̄ wac mikʼuwus̄ wac
younger brother's daughter wacu yah, yacuƛ yah wacu yah, yacuƛ yah
younger brother's son wacu waha, yacuƛ waha wacu waha, yacuƛ waha
younger sister mikʼiyis̄ yac mikʼiyis̄ yac
younger sister's daughter wacu yah, yacuƛ yah wacu yah, yacuƛ yah
younger sister's son wacu waha, yacuƛ waha wacu waha, yacuƛ waha