Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
brother iknitl iknitl
brother's son machtli machtli
brother's wife weswitl weswitl
daughter ichpokatl, takoli ichpokatl, takoli
daughter's husband tlakamontli, montli tlakamontli, montli
daughter's husband's father wehxitl wehxitl
daughter's husband's mother wehxitl wehxitl
daughter's son xwitl xwitl
spouse namiktli namiktli
father tahtli tahtli
father's brother tlaitl tlaitl
father's father kohkolli kohkolli
father's mother sistli sistli
father's sister awitl, awitzin awitl, awitzin
father's older brother tlaitl tlaitl
father's older sister awitl, awitzin awitl, awitzin
father's younger brother tlaitl tlaitl
father's younger sister awitl, awitzin awitl, awitzin
husband namiktli namiktli
husband's brother wehpolli wehpolli
husband's father montahtli montahtli
husband's mother monnatntli monnatntli
husband's sister weswitl weswitl
mother nantli nantli
mother's brother tlaitl tlaitl
mother's father kohkolli kohkolli
mother's mother sistli sistli
mother's sister awitl awitl
mother's older brother tlaitl tlaitl
mother's older sister awitl, awitzin awitl, awitzin
mother's younger brother tlaitl tlaitl
mother's younger sister awitl, awitzin awitl, awitzin
son piltontli, konetl, pilli, xokoyotl piltontli, konetl, pilli, xokoyotl
son's son xwitl xwitl
son's wife siwamontli, montli siwamontli, montli
son's wife's father wehxitl wehxitl
son's wife's mother wehxitl wehxitl
twin kuatiknitl kuatiknitl
wife siwatl, lamah siwatl, lamah
wife's brother wehpolli wehpolli
wife's father montahtli montahtli
wife's mother monnatntli monnatntli
wife's sister weswitl weswitl
sister weltihtli, weltitl weltihtli, weltitl
sister's husband wehpolli wehpolli
older brother iknitl iknitl
older brother's son machtli machtli
older sister weltihtli, weltitl weltihtli, weltitl
younger brother iknitl iknitl
younger brother's son machtli machtli
younger sister weltihtli, weltitl weltihtli, weltitl