Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
brother - samupi
brother's daughter paha peti, paha
brother's son paha, tua paha
brother's wife haipia, kwip pahapiapi
daughter petï' petï'
daughter's husband monapi monapi
father ahpï ahpï
father's brother api api
father's brother's daughter paci, nami paci, tii, nami
father's brother's son haic -
father's brother's wife pia pia
father's brother's older daughter paci, nami paci, tii, nami
father's brother's older son haic -
father's brother's younger daughter paci, nami paci, tii, nami
father's brother's younger son haic -
father's father kïnu' kïnu'
father's mother kaku', huci kaku', huci
father's sister paha paha
father's sister's daughter paci, nami paci, tii, nami
father's sister's husband ara ara
father's sister's son haic -
father's sisters's older daughter paci, nami paci, tii, nami
father's sisters's older son haic -
father's sisters's younger daughter paci, nami paci, tii, nami
father's sisters's younger son haic -
father's older brother api api
father's older brother's daughter paci, nami paci, tii, nami
father's older brother's son haic -
father's older sister paha paha
father's older sister's daughter paci, nami paci, tii, nami
father's older sister's son haic -
father's younger brother api api
father's younger brother's daughter paci, nami paci, tii, nami
father's younger brother's son haic -
father's younger sister paha paha
father's younger sister's daughter paci, nami paci, tii, nami
father's younger sister's son haic -
husband - kumahpï'
husband's brother - haipia, kumapi
husband's father - yahipi
husband's sister - pahapiapi
mother pia pia
mother's brother ara' ara'
mother's brother's daughter paci, nami paci, tii, nami
mother's brother's son haic -
mother's brother's wife paha paha
mother's brother's older daughter paci, nami paci, tii, nami
mother's brother's older son haic -
mother's brother's younger daughter paci, nami paci, tii, nami
mother's brother's younger son haic -
mother's father toko' toko'
mother's mother kaku' kaku'
mother's sister pia pia
mother's sister's daughter paci, nami paci, tii, nami
mother's sister's husband api api
mother's sister's son haic -
mother's sisters's older daughter paci, nami paci, tii, nami
mother's sisters's older son haic -
mother's sisters's younger daughter paci, nami paci, tii, nami
mother's sisters's younger son haic -
mother's older brother ara' ara'
mother's older brother's daughter paci, nami paci, tii, nami
mother's older brother's son haic -
mother's older sister pia pia
mother's older sister's daughter paci, nami paci, tii, nami
mother's older sister's son haic -
mother's younger brother ara' ara'
mother's younger brother's daughter paci, nami paci, tii, nami
mother's younger brother's son haic -
mother's younger sister pia pia
mother's younger sister's daughter paci, nami paci, tii, nami
mother's younger sister's son haic -
son tua tua
son's wife hucipiapi hucipiapi
wife kwip -
wife's brother te'ci kumapi
wife's father nimitoko -
wife's mother nimikaku -
wife's sister haipia, kwip -
sister samupi -
sister's daughter ara' peti, ara'
sister's husband te'ci haipia, kumapi
sister's son ara' ara', tua
older brother pavi, pabi'i pavi, pabi'i
older brother's daughter paha paha
older brother's son paha paha
older sister paci' paci'
older sister's daughter ara' ara'
older sister's son ara' ara'
younger brother tami' tami'
younger brother's daughter paha paha
younger brother's son paha paha
younger sister nami' nami'
younger sister's daughter ara' ara'
younger sister's son ara' ara'