Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
child péri péri
daughter pa'arï'ï pa'arï'ï
daughter's husband mú'u, -mu'un, muna-ra mú'u, -mu'un, muna-ra
daughter's husband's father mú'u mú'u
daughter's husband's mother mú'u mú'u
father taata taata
father's father yaašuhri, niyaasúuri yaašuhri, niyaasúuri
father's older sister ookáli ookáli
husband - kï'n
mother náanana náanana
mother's father yaašuhri, niyaasúuri yaašuhri, niyaasúuri
son -tï'ïrii-múa -
son's wife mú'u mú'u
son's wife's father mú'u mú'u
son's wife's mother mú'u mú'u
twin wa'apuarií wa'apuarií
wife nya-'ïh -
older brother haaci'i haaci'i
older sister ne-kuu-cí'i ne-kuu-cí'i
younger brother huu huu