Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
brother woci woci
brother's daughter wocuw yeši, wocuɬi yeši, yacuɬ yeši, yacuɬi yeši wocuw yeši, wocuɬi yeši, yacuɬ yeši, yacuɬi yeši
brother's son wocuw woša, yacuɬ woša, wocuɬi woša, yacuɬi woša wocuw woša, yacuɬ woša, wocuɬi woša, yacuɬi woša
child mačʼikʼa mačʼikʼa
daughter yeši yeši
daughter's daughter wohuɬ yeši, yahuɬ yeši wohuɬ yeši, yahuɬ yeši
daughter's husband yahuɬi hekʼa, yacuɬi hekʼa yahuɬi hekʼa, yacuɬi hekʼa
daughter's son wohuɬ woša, yahuɬ woša wohuɬ woša, yahuɬ woša
father ima ima
father's brother imuɬ wocu, imuɬi wocu imuɬ wocu, imuɬi wocu
father's brother's daughter wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
father's brother's son wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
father's brother's older daughter wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
father's brother's older son wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
father's brother's younger daughter wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
father's brother's younger son wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
father's father imadadi, iladadi imadadi, iladadi
father's mother imababu, ilababu imababu, ilababu
father's sister dadaci, dadacu dadaci, dadacu
father's sister's daughter wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
father's sister's son wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
father's sisters's older daughter wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
father's sisters's older son wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
father's sisters's younger daughter wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
father's sisters's younger son wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
father's older brother imuɬ wocu, imuɬi wocu imuɬ wocu, imuɬi wocu
father's older brother's daughter wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
father's older brother's son wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
father's older sister dadaci, dadacu dadaci, dadacu
father's older sister's daughter wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
father's older sister's son wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
father's younger brother imuɬ wocu, imuɬi wocu imuɬ wocu, imuɬi wocu
father's younger brother's daughter wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
father's younger brother's son wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
father's younger sister dadaci, dadacu dadaci, dadacu
father's younger sister's daughter wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
father's younger sister's son wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
grandparent yaci, woci yaci, woci
husband hekʼa hekʼa
husband's father hakʼuɬ ima, hakʼuɬi ima hakʼuɬ ima, hakʼuɬi ima
husband's mother hakʼuɬ ila, hakʼuɬi ila hakʼuɬ ila, hakʼuɬi ila
mother ila ila
mother's brother iluɬi wocu, iluɬ wocu iluɬi wocu, iluɬ wocu
mother's brother's daughter wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
mother's brother's son wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
mother's brother's older daughter wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
mother's brother's older son wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
mother's brother's younger daughter wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
mother's brother's younger son wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
mother's father imadadi, iladadi imadadi, iladadi
mother's mother imababu, ilababu imababu, ilababu
mother's sister babaci, babacu babaci, babacu
mother's sister's daughter wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
mother's sister's son wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
mother's sisters's older daughter wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
mother's sisters's older son wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
mother's sisters's younger daughter wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
mother's sisters's younger son wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
mother's older brother iluɬi wocu, iluɬ wocu iluɬi wocu, iluɬ wocu
mother's older brother's daughter wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
mother's older brother's son wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
mother's older sister babaci, babacu babaci, babacu
mother's older sister's daughter wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
mother's older sister's son wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
mother's younger brother iluɬi wocu, iluɬ wocu iluɬi wocu, iluɬ wocu
mother's younger brother's daughter wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
mother's younger brother's son wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
mother's younger sister babaci, babacu babaci, babacu
mother's younger sister's daughter wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
mother's younger sister's son wacab, yacab wacab, yacab
son woša woša
son's daughter wohuɬ yeši, yahuɬ yeši wohuɬ yeši, yahuɬ yeši
son's son wohuɬ woša, yahuɬ woša wohuɬ woša, yahuɬ woša
son's wife wocu hacʼi, wohu hacʼi wocu hacʼi, wohu hacʼi
wife hacʼe hacʼe
wife's father hekʼasuw ima hekʼasuw ima
wife's mother hekʼasuy ila hekʼasuy ila
sister yaci yaci
sister's daughter wocuɬi yeši, yacuɬ yeši, yacuɬi yeši, wocuɬ yeši wocuɬi yeši, yacuɬ yeši, yacuɬi yeši, wocuɬ yeši
sister's son wocuw woša, yacuɬ woša, wocuɬi woša, yacuɬi woša wocuw woša, yacuɬ woša, wocuɬi woša, yacuɬi woša
older brother woci woci
older brother's daughter wocuw yeši, wocuɬi yeši, yacuɬ yeši, yacuɬi yeši wocuw yeši, wocuɬi yeši, yacuɬ yeši, yacuɬi yeši
older brother's son wocuw woša, yacuɬ woša, wocuɬi woša, yacuɬi woša wocuw woša, yacuɬ woša, wocuɬi woša, yacuɬi woša
older sister yaci yaci
older sister's daughter wocuɬi yeši, yacuɬ yeši, yacuɬi yeši, wocuɬ yeši wocuɬi yeši, yacuɬ yeši, yacuɬi yeši, wocuɬ yeši
older sister's son wocuw woša, yacuɬ woša, wocuɬi woša, yacuɬi woša wocuw woša, yacuɬ woša, wocuɬi woša, yacuɬi woša
younger brother tʼano woci tʼano woci
younger brother's daughter wocuw yeši, wocuɬi yeši, yacuɬ yeši, yacuɬi yeši wocuw yeši, wocuɬi yeši, yacuɬ yeši, yacuɬi yeši
younger brother's son wocuw woša, yacuɬ woša, wocuɬi woša, yacuɬi woša wocuw woša, yacuɬ woša, wocuɬi woša, yacuɬi woša
younger sister tʼane yaci tʼane yaci
younger sister's daughter wocuɬi yeši, yacuɬ yeši, yacuɬi yeši, wocuɬ yeši wocuɬi yeši, yacuɬ yeši, yacuɬi yeši, wocuɬ yeši
younger sister's son wocuw woša, yacuɬ woša, wocuɬi woša, yacuɬi woša wocuw woša, yacuɬ woša, wocuɬi woša, yacuɬi woša