Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
brother yeɣpayr yeɣpayr
brother's daughter yeɣpor aɣčig, kroč aɣčig yeɣpor aɣčig, kroč aɣčig
brother's son kročorti, yeɣpororti kročorti, yeɣpororti
child zavag zavag
daughter tusdr, aɣčig tusdr, aɣčig
daughter's daughter tornuhi tornuhi
daughter's husband pesa pesa
daughter's son tor tor
father hayr hayr
father's brother horyeɣpayr horyeɣpayr
father's brother's daughter zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
father's brother's son zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
father's brother's older daughter zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
father's brother's older son zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
father's brother's younger daughter zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
father's brother's younger son zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
father's father med͜z hayr med͜z hayr
father's mother med͜z mayr med͜z mayr
father's sister horakuyr horakuyr
father's sister's daughter zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
father's sister's son zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
father's sisters's older daughter zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
father's sisters's older son zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
father's sisters's younger daughter zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
father's sisters's younger son zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
father's older brother horyeɣpayr horyeɣpayr
father's older brother's daughter zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
father's older brother's son zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
father's older sister horakuyr horakuyr
father's older sister's daughter zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
father's older sister's son zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
father's younger brother horyeɣpayr horyeɣpayr
father's younger brother's daughter zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
father's younger brother's son zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
father's younger sister horakuyr horakuyr
father's younger sister's daughter zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
father's younger sister's son zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
grandparent kuyr-yeɣpayr kuyr-yeɣpayr
husband amusin amusin
husband's father gesrayr gesrayr
husband's mother gesur gesur
mother mayr mayr
mother's brother keri, moryeɣpayr keri, moryeɣpayr
mother's brother's daughter zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
mother's brother's son zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
mother's brother's older daughter zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
mother's brother's older son zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
mother's brother's younger daughter zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
mother's brother's younger son zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
mother's father med͜z hayr med͜z hayr
mother's mother med͜z mayr med͜z mayr
mother's sister morakuyr morakuyr
mother's sister's daughter zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
mother's sister's son zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
mother's sisters's older daughter zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
mother's sisters's older son zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
mother's sisters's younger daughter zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
mother's sisters's younger son zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
mother's older brother keri, moryeɣpayr keri, moryeɣpayr
mother's older brother's daughter zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
mother's older brother's son zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
mother's older sister morakuyr morakuyr
mother's older sister's daughter zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
mother's older sister's son zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
mother's younger brother keri, moryeɣpayr keri, moryeɣpayr
mother's younger brother's daughter zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
mother's younger brother's son zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
mother's younger sister morakuyr morakuyr
mother's younger sister's daughter zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
mother's younger sister's son zarmig, zarmuhi zarmig, zarmuhi
son vorti, dɣa vorti, dɣa
son's daughter tornuhi tornuhi
son's son tor tor
son's wife hars hars
wife gin gin
wife's father aner aner
wife's mother zokanč, gesur zokanč, gesur
sister kuyr kuyr
sister's daughter yeɣpor aɣčig, kroč aɣčig yeɣpor aɣčig, kroč aɣčig
sister's son kročorti, yeɣpororti kročorti, yeɣpororti
older brother yeɣpayr yeɣpayr
older brother's daughter yeɣpor aɣčig, kroč aɣčig yeɣpor aɣčig, kroč aɣčig
older brother's son kročorti, yeɣpororti kročorti, yeɣpororti
older sister kuyr kuyr
older sister's daughter yeɣpor aɣčig, kroč aɣčig yeɣpor aɣčig, kroč aɣčig
older sister's son kročorti, yeɣpororti kročorti, yeɣpororti
younger brother grdser yeɣpayr, pokr yeɣpayr grdser yeɣpayr, pokr yeɣpayr
younger brother's daughter yeɣpor aɣčig, kroč aɣčig yeɣpor aɣčig, kroč aɣčig
younger brother's son kročorti, yeɣpororti kročorti, yeɣpororti
younger sister grdser kuyr, bzdig kuyr grdser kuyr, bzdig kuyr
younger sister's daughter yeɣpor aɣčig, kroč aɣčig yeɣpor aɣčig, kroč aɣčig
younger sister's son kročorti, yeɣpororti kročorti, yeɣpororti