Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
child taná, ku'kucí, kucitá taná, ku'kucí, kucitá
daughter kuhtewé, malá-la kuhtewé, malá-la
daughter's husband mo'né mo'né
father no'nó, ma'má no'nó, ma'má
father's father wocí wocí
father's mother ka'ká ka'ká
father's older brother kumú kumú
father's older sister soló soló
father's younger sister papói papói
husband - tehimá, kuná
husband's mother - wasí
husband's sister - tepó
mother ye'yé ye'yé
mother's father papá papá
mother's mother su'sú su'sú
mother's older sister nehsá nehsá
mother's younger brother ta'téi ta'téi
son nolá nolá
twin muhté, mahtací muhté, mahtací
wife upí, mu'kíra, tehíma -
wife's mother wasí -
wife's sister ce'é, tepó -
sister's husband ce'é ce'é
older brother pa'čí pa'čí
older sister ko'cí ko'cí
younger brother poní poní
younger brother's daughter kumú -
younger brother's son kumú -
younger sister piní piní