Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
brother dearbrāthair dearbrāthair
brother's daughter neacht, banta neacht, banta
brother's son garmhac, gnia garmhac, gnia
brother's wife deirbhshiūir cēile, deirbhshiūir in ndlighe deirbhshiūir cēile, deirbhshiūir in ndlighe
child pāiste, leanbh pāiste, leanbh
daughter inghean inghean
daughter's daughter inghean inghine, gairinghean inghean inghine, gairinghean
daughter's husband cliamhain, damh cliamhain, damh
daughter's son garmhac, mac inghine garmhac, mac inghine
spouse cēile, nuachar cēile, nuachar
father athair athair
father's brother dearbrāthair athar dearbrāthair athar
father's brother's daughter col ceathar col ceathar
father's brother's son col ceathar col ceathar
father's brother's older daughter col ceathar col ceathar
father's brother's older son col ceathar col ceathar
father's brother's younger daughter col ceathar col ceathar
father's brother's younger son col ceathar col ceathar
father's father seanathair seanathair
father's mother seanmhāthair seanmhāthair
father's sister deirbhshiūr athar, athaireog deirbhshiūr athar, athaireog
father's sister's daughter col ceathar col ceathar
father's sister's son col ceathar col ceathar
father's sisters's older daughter col ceathar col ceathar
father's sisters's older son col ceathar col ceathar
father's sisters's younger daughter col ceathar col ceathar
father's sisters's younger son col ceathar col ceathar
father's older brother dearbrāthair athar dearbrāthair athar
father's older brother's daughter col ceathar col ceathar
father's older brother's son col ceathar col ceathar
father's older sister deirbhshiūr athar, athaireog deirbhshiūr athar, athaireog
father's older sister's daughter col ceathar col ceathar
father's older sister's son col ceathar col ceathar
father's younger brother dearbrāthair athar dearbrāthair athar
father's younger brother's daughter col ceathar col ceathar
father's younger brother's son col ceathar col ceathar
father's younger sister deirbhshiūr athar, athaireog deirbhshiūr athar, athaireog
father's younger sister's daughter col ceathar col ceathar
father's younger sister's son col ceathar col ceathar
husband fear fear
husband's brother dearbhrāthair cēile dearbhrāthair cēile
husband's father athair cleamhna, athair cēile, pathair ceile athair cleamhna, athair cēile, pathair ceile
husband's mother mathair ceile, mathair in ndlighe mathair ceile, mathair in ndlighe
husband's sister deirbhshiūir cēile deirbhshiūir cēile
mother mathair mathair
mother's brother dearbrāthair māthar dearbrāthair māthar
mother's brother's daughter col ceathar col ceathar
mother's brother's son col ceathar col ceathar
mother's brother's older daughter col ceathar col ceathar
mother's brother's older son col ceathar col ceathar
mother's brother's younger daughter col ceathar col ceathar
mother's brother's younger son col ceathar col ceathar
mother's father seanathair seanathair
mother's mother seanmhāthair seanmhāthair
mother's sister māithreān, deirbhsiur māthir māithreān, deirbhsiur māthir
mother's sister's daughter col ceathar col ceathar
mother's sister's son col ceathar col ceathar
mother's sisters's older daughter col ceathar col ceathar
mother's sisters's older son col ceathar col ceathar
mother's sisters's younger daughter col ceathar col ceathar
mother's sisters's younger son col ceathar col ceathar
mother's older brother dearbrāthair māthar dearbrāthair māthar
mother's older brother's daughter col ceathar col ceathar
mother's older brother's son col ceathar col ceathar
mother's older sister māithreān, deirbhsiur māthir māithreān, deirbhsiur māthir
mother's older sister's daughter col ceathar col ceathar
mother's older sister's son col ceathar col ceathar
mother's younger brother dearbrāthair māthar dearbrāthair māthar
mother's younger brother's daughter col ceathar col ceathar
mother's younger brother's son col ceathar col ceathar
mother's younger sister māithreān, deirbhsiur māthir māithreān, deirbhsiur māthir
mother's younger sister's daughter col ceathar col ceathar
mother's younger sister's son col ceathar col ceathar
parent tuismhighteoiri tuismhighteoiri
son mac mac
son's daughter inghean mic, gairinghean inghean mic, gairinghean
son's son garmhac, mac mic garmhac, mac mic
son's wife bean mhic, baincliamhain bean mhic, baincliamhain
wife bean bean
wife's brother dearbhrāthair cēile dearbhrāthair cēile
wife's father athair cēile, pathair ceile athair cēile, pathair ceile
wife's mother mathair ceile mathair ceile
wife's sister deirbhshiūir cēile deirbhshiūir cēile
sister deirbhshiur deirbhshiur
sister's daughter neacht neacht
sister's husband dearbhrāthair cēile, dearbrāthair in ndlighe dearbhrāthair cēile, dearbrāthair in ndlighe
sister's son garmhac garmhac
older brother dearbrāthair dearbrāthair
older brother's daughter neacht, banta neacht, banta
older brother's son garmhac, gnia garmhac, gnia
older sister deirbhshiur deirbhshiur
older sister's daughter neacht neacht
older sister's son garmhac garmhac
younger brother dearbrāthair dearbrāthair
younger brother's daughter neacht, banta neacht, banta
younger brother's son garmhac, gnia garmhac, gnia
younger sister deirbhshiur deirbhshiur
younger sister's daughter neacht neacht
younger sister's son garmhac garmhac