Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
brother's wife nuna, atɔ: -
daughter a:mɔ:fa'ne, nəfa'ne -
daughter's daughter tɔ:tɔ:' -
daughter's husband neiji:mɔ:' neiji:mɔ:ei, neiji:mɔ:'
daughter's son tɔ:tɔ:' -
father afu, afə:' -
father's father nɛgu', nəgihɔ:' nɛgu', nəgihɔ:'
father's mother a'gɔ:', na -
father's sister's daughter nɛnafu -
father's sister's son nɛnafu -
father's sisters's older daughter nɛnafu -
father's sisters's older son nɛnafu -
father's sisters's younger daughter nɛnafu -
father's sisters's younger son nɛnafu -
father's older brother afu, afɔ:' -
father's older sister neiji:mɔ:', mɔ:mɔ: -
father's older sister's daughter nɛnafu -
father's older sister's son nɛnafu -
father's younger brother afu, afɔ:' -
father's younger sister neiji:mɔ:', mɔ:mɔ: -
father's younger sister's daughter nɛnafu -
father's younger sister's son nɛnafu -
husband - noni:mɔ:ei, noni:a:mɔ:ei
mother ita -
mother's brother's daughter nɛnafu -
mother's brother's son nɛnafu -
mother's brother's older daughter nɛnafu -
mother's brother's older son nɛnafu -
mother's brother's younger daughter nɛnafu -
mother's brother's younger son nɛnafu -
mother's father nɛgu' -
mother's mother a'gɔ:' -
mother's older brother a, aku -
mother's older brother's daughter nɛnafu -
mother's older brother's son nɛnafu -
mother's younger brother a, aku -
mother's younger brother's daughter nɛnafu -
mother's younger brother's son nɛnafu -
son nəfa'ne'nei, mɔ:fa'ne -
son's daughter tɔ:tɔ:' -
son's son tɔ:tɔ:' -
son's wife nanufɛgɔ:', nɛnəofi:gɔ:ei -
wife a'ni:a, a'ni:mɔ:ei -
wife's brother no, nɛnoka:ei -
wife's father neiji:mɔ:' -
wife's mother neiji:mɔ:' -
wife's sister no, nɛnoka:ei -
sister's husband no, nɛnoka:ei no, nɛnoka:ei
older brother nepu, wapa -
older brother's daughter a:mɔ:fa'ne, nəfa'ne -
older brother's son mɔ:fa'ne, nei -
older sister nɛza, neineza'ai -
older sister's daughter a, aku -
older sister's son a, aku -
younger brother nɛnagana', negana -
younger brother's daughter a:mɔ:fa'ne, nəfa'ne -
younger brother's son mɔ:fa'ne, nei -
younger sister nɛza, neineza'ai -
younger sister's daughter a, aku -
younger sister's son a, aku -