Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
ancestor néshkinlakat, hamúulawish néshkinlakat, hamúulawish
brother's daughter nuʂmay nuʂmay, ááli-may
brother's son nuʂmay nuʂmay, ááli-may
brother's wife - tóola
child amáya'mal amáya'mal
daughter ʂawáa-may ʂawáa-may
daughter's husband kwá'-pana tú'pana
spouse péew péew
father -ná' -ná'
father's brother's son kwámay, páa'as kwámay, páa'as
father's brother's older son kwámay, páa'as kwámay, páa'as
father's brother's younger son kwámay, páa'as kwámay, páa'as
father's father ká'naxánmal, ká'ya'ásh, ká', qá', kwá'a ká'naxánmal, ká'ya'ásh, ká', qá', kwá'a
father's mother ká'Sungáal, ká'néshmal, túutu, ká', qá' ká'Sungáal, ká'néshmal, túutu, ká', qá'
father's wife (not mother) yósmay yósmay
father's sister páa-may páa-may
father's sister's daughter yúkʂum yúkʂum
father's sister's son yúkʂum yúkʂum
father's sisters's older daughter yúkʂum yúkʂum
father's sisters's older son yúkʂum yúkʂum
father's sisters's younger daughter yúkʂum yúkʂum
father's sisters's younger son yúkʂum yúkʂum
father's older brother kmo, kamú kamú, kmp, kmomay
father's older brother's son kwámay, páa'as kwámay, páa'as
father's older sister páa-may páa-may
father's older sister's daughter yúkʂum yúkʂum
father's older sister's son yúkʂum yúkʂum
father's younger brother máʂ máʂ
father's younger brother's son má$ má$
father's younger sister páa-may páa-may
father's younger sister's daughter yúkʂum yúkʂum
father's younger sister's son yúkʂum yúkʂum
husband - tó'ma-vu, kúúŋ
husband's brother - mééspana
husband's father ká' ká'
husband's sister tóolma tóolma, tóola
mother yó, at
mother's brother táá'aʂ táá'aʂ
mother's brother's daughter yúkʂum yúkʂum
mother's brother's son yúkʂum yúkʂum
mother's brother's older daughter yúkʂum yúkʂum
mother's brother's older son yúkʂum yúkʂum
mother's brother's younger daughter yúkʂum yúkʂum
mother's brother's younger son yúkʂum yúkʂum
mother's father kwá', kwa kwá', kwa
mother's mother túutu, tú' túutu, tú'
mother's older brother táá'aʂ táá'aʂ
mother's older brother's daughter yúkʂum yúkʂum
mother's older brother's son yúkʂum yúkʂum
mother's older sister núʂ núʂ
mother's older sister's daughter máay máay
mother's older sister's son máay máay
mother's younger brother táá'aʂ táá'aʂ
mother's younger brother's daughter yúkʂum yúkʂum
mother's younger brother's son yúkʂum yúkʂum
mother's younger sister yósmay yósmay
parent n'áyó' n'áyó'
son píit, káamala píit, káamala
son's daughter ká'may ká'may
son's son ká'may ká'may
son's wife ká' ká'
wife míxa, to'ma, ʂuŋáá-l -
wife's brother mééspana -
wife's father kwá'-pana, ká' ká'
wife's mother tú'pana tú'pana
wife's sister mééspana -
sister's daughter nuʂmay, kúúli-may nuʂmay, kúúli-may
sister's husband méespana méespana
sister's son nuʂmay, kúúli-may nuʂmay, kúúli-may
older brother páá'aʂ, pá$uuk, nopáa páá'aʂ, pá$uuk, nopáa
older brother's daughter nuʂmay, máay nuʂmay, máay, ááli-may, kamúmay
older brother's son nuʂmay, máay nuʂmay, máay, ááli-may, kamúmay
older sister qe'svukt, qee'is qe'svukt, qee'is
older sister's daughter nuʂmay, kúúli-may nuʂmay, méela, kúúli-may
older sister's son nuʂmay, kúúli-may nuʂmay, méela, kúúli-may
younger brother péét péét
younger brother's daughter nuʂmay, máay, -máay, -másmay, kmomay nuʂmay, méela, máay, -máay, ááli-may, -másmay, kmomay
younger brother's son -másmay, -máay, nuʂmay, kmomay nuʂmay, kmomay, -máay, ááli-may, -másmay, kamúmay
younger sister más píít, píít píít, máspíít
younger sister's daughter nuʂmay, kúúli-may, nóSmay nuʂmay, méela, kúúli-may, nóSmay
younger sister's son nuʂmay, kúúli-may nuʂmay, kúúli-may