Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
brother's wife - vuovungo
daughter vuonatu vuonatu
daughter's daughter vuomacambui vuomacambui
daughter's son macambui macambui
father tama tama
father's brother's older daughter vuosocotiku vuotavuaiku, noku vorai
father's brother's older son tavuaiku, noku vorai socotiku
father's brother's younger daughter vuosocotiku vuotasiku, noku vorai
father's brother's younger son tasiku, noku vorai socotiku
father's father tavuaiku tumbu, bumbu
father's mother tata tata
father's older brother tama tama
father's older sister vuonatu tina
father's younger brother tama tama
father's younger sister vuonatu tina
mother tina tina
mother's brother's older son bumbu bumbu
mother's brother's younger son natu bumbu
mother's father tumbu, bumbu tumbu, bumbu
mother's mother tumbu, bumbu tumbu, bumbu
mother's sisters's older daughter vuosocotiku vuotavuaiku, noku vorai
mother's sisters's older son tavuaiku, noku vorai socotiku
mother's sisters's younger daughter vuosocotiku vuotasiku, noku vorai
mother's sisters's younger son tasiku, noku vorai socotiku
mother's older brother taura, noku vorai taura, noku vorai
mother's older sister tina tina
mother's younger brother taura, noku vorai taura, noku vorai
mother's younger sister tina tinanou
son natu natu
son's daughter vuosocoti vuomacambui
son's son tasi macambui
son's wife vuovungo vuovungo
wife's father tama -
wife's mother tina -
older brother tavuaiku, noku vorai vuosocotiku
older brother's daughter - vuonatu
older brother's son - tama
older sister socotiku vuotavuaiku, noku vorai
older sister's daughter vuealua -
older sister's son alua -
younger brother tasiku, noku vorai vuosocotiku
younger brother's daughter - vuonatu
younger brother's son - tama
younger sister socotiku vuotasiku, noku vorai
younger sister's daughter vuealua -
younger sister's son alua -