Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
daughter aipain aipain
daughter's daughter sise, tibu sise, tibu
daughter's son sise, tibu sise, tibu
father mam, tamau mam, tamau
father's brother's daughter kol kol
father's brother's son kol kol
father's brother's older daughter kol kol
father's brother's older son kol kol
father's brother's younger daughter kol kol
father's brother's younger son kol kol
father's father dabok, sise, tibu dabok, sise, tibu
father's father's father bagebagen bagebagen
father's father's father's father matan huhulun -
father's father's mother bagebagen bagebagen
father's mother dabok, sise, tibu dabok, sise, tibu
father's mother's father bagebagen bagebagen
father's mother's mother bagebagen bagebagen
father's sister's daughter kol kol
father's sister's son kol kol
father's sisters's older daughter kol kol
father's sisters's older son kol kol
father's sisters's younger daughter kol kol
father's sisters's younger son kol kol
father's older brother wau wau
father's older brother's daughter kol kol
father's older brother's son kol kol
father's older sister bih bih
father's older sister's daughter kol kol
father's older sister's son kol kol
father's younger brother wau wau
father's younger brother's daughter kol kol
father's younger brother's son kol kol
father's younger sister bih bih
father's younger sister's daughter kol kol
father's younger sister's son kol kol
husband - yawau, tamat
husband's father - rawau
husband's mother - rawau
mother nen, tinau nen, tinau
mother's brother's daughter kol kol
mother's brother's son kol kol
mother's brother's older daughter kol kol
mother's brother's older son kol kol
mother's brother's younger daughter kol kol
mother's brother's younger son kol kol
mother's father dabok, sise, tibu dabok, sise, tibu
mother's father's father bagebagen bagebagen
mother's father's mother bagebagen bagebagen
mother's mother dabok, sise, tibu dabok, sise, tibu
mother's mother's father bagebagen bagebagen
mother's mother's mother bagebagen bagebagen
mother's sister's daughter kol kol
mother's sister's son kol kol
mother's sisters's older daughter kol kol
mother's sisters's older son kol kol
mother's sisters's younger daughter kol kol
mother's sisters's younger son kol kol
mother's older brother wau wau
mother's older brother's daughter kol kol
mother's older brother's son kol kol
mother's older sister bih bih
mother's older sister's daughter kol kol
mother's older sister's son kol kol
mother's younger brother wau wau
mother's younger brother's daughter kol kol
mother's younger brother's son kol kol
mother's younger sister bih bih
mother's younger sister's daughter kol kol
mother's younger sister's son kol kol
son wado, aim wado, aim
son's daughter sise, tibu sise, tibu
son's son sise, tibu sise, tibu
son's son's son bagebagen -
son's son's son's son matan huhulun -
wife yawau, pain -
wife's father rawau -
wife's mother rawau -
older brother tawau, dabok, ka lu
older brother's daughter wau wau
older brother's son wau wau
older sister lu tawau, dabok, ka
older sister's daughter bih bih
older sister's son bih bih
younger brother te, teiu lu
younger brother's daughter wau wau
younger brother's son wau wau
younger sister lu te, teiu
younger sister's daughter bih bih
younger sister's son bih bih