Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
daughter nin-däʼ-nä nin-däʼ-nä
daughter's daughter no-saʼ-mä, no-sa-mäʼ no-saʼ-mä, no-sa-mäʼ
daughter's husband nä-hun̤-gä-na, na-lǎʼ-gwä-läʼ nä-hun̤-gä-na, na-lǎʼ-gwä-läʼ
daughter's son no-saʼ-mä, no-sa-mäʼ no-saʼ-mä, no-sa-mäʼ
father no-säʼ no-säʼ
father's brother's older daughter ne-mis-säʼ ne-mis-säʼ
father's brother's older son ne-sanʼ-zä, ne-sǎ-säʼ ne-sanʼ-zä, ne-sǎ-säʼ
father's brother's younger daughter ne-go-se-mäʼ, ne-sheʼ-mä ne-she-mäʼ, ne-go-se-mäʼ
father's brother's younger son se-me-mäʼ, ne-sheʼ-mä se-me-mäʼ, ne-sheʼ-mä
father's father na-ma-sho mäʼ, na-mǎ-sho-mäʼ na-ma-sho mäʼ, na-mǎ-sho-mäʼ
father's mother no-ko-mäʼ no-ko-mäʼ
father's sisters's older daughter ne-sheʼ-mis-säʼ, shame-säʼ nin-däʼ-nä
father's sisters's older son lan-gwä-lesʼ-sä, ne-lǎʼ-gwä-la-säʼ nin̤-gwa-säʼ, neen-gwase-säʼ
father's sisters's younger daughter ne-sheʼ-mis-säʼ, shame-säʼ nin-däʼ-nä
father's sisters's younger son lan̤ʼ-gwä-lesʼ-sä, ne-lǎʼ-gwä-la-säʼ nin̤-gwa-säʼ, neen-gwase-säʼ
father's older brother no-säʼ no-säʼ
father's older sister ne-zaʼ-gos-säʼ, n'-saʼ-gwe-sǎʼ ne-zaʼ-gos-säʼ, n'-saʼ-gwe-sǎʼ
father's younger brother no-säʼ no-säʼ
father's younger sister ne-zaʼ-gos-säʼ, n'-saʼ-gwe-sǎʼ ne-zaʼ-gos-säʼ, n'-saʼ-gwe-sǎʼ
husband - ne-näʼ-bame-äh, nä-ba-mäʼ
husband's father - no-sa-mahʼ
husband's mother - no-sa-mahʼ
mother nin̤-ge-ahʼ nin̤-ge-ahʼ
mother's brother's older daughter nin̤-ge-ahʼ nin̤-ge-ahʼ
mother's brother's older son ne-zheʼ-säʼ, ne-zheseʼ-sä ne-zheʼ-säʼ, ne-zheseʼ-sä
mother's brother's younger daughter nin̤-ge-ahʼ nin̤-ge-ahʼ
mother's brother's younger son ne-zheʼ-sä, ne-zheseʼ-sä ne-zheʼ-sä, ne-zheseʼ-sä
mother's father na-ma-sho mäʼ, na-mǎ-sho-mäʼ na-ma-sho mäʼ, na-mǎ-sho-mäʼ
mother's mother no-ko-mäʼ no-ko-mäʼ
mother's sisters's older daughter ne-mis-säʼ ne-mis-säʼ
mother's sisters's older son ne-sanʼ-zä, ne-sǎ-säʼ ne-sanʼ-zä, ne-sǎ-säʼ
mother's sisters's younger daughter ne-go-se-mäʼ, ne-sheʼ-mä ne-she-mäʼ, ne-go-se-mäʼ
mother's sisters's younger son se-me-mäʼ, ne-sheʼ-mä ne-she-mäʼ, se-me-mäʼ
mother's older brother ne-zheʼ-sä, ne-zheseʼ-sä ne-zheʼ-sä, ne-zheseʼ-sä
mother's older sister nin̤-ge-ahʼ nin̤-ge-ahʼ
mother's younger brother ne-zheʼ-sä, ne-zheseʼ-sä ne-zheʼ-sä, ne-zheseʼ-sä
mother's younger sister nin̤-ge-ahʼ nin̤-ge-ahʼ
son nin̤-gwa-säʼ, neen-gwaseʼ-sä nin̤-gwa-säʼ, neen-gwaseʼ-sä
son's daughter no-saʼ-mä, no-sa-mäʼ no-saʼ-mä, no-sa-mäʼ
son's son no-saʼ-mä, no-sa-mäʼ no-saʼ-mä, no-sa-mäʼ
son's wife lan-gwäʼ-lä, nä-häʼ-gä-naʼ-kwä, no-ko-mäʼ lan-gwäʼ-lä, nä-hä-gä-naʼ-kwä, no-ko-mäʼ
wife nee-weʼ-wä, ne-we-wäʼ -
wife's father na-maʼ-sho-mäʼ-ke-ähʼ, na-ma-shoma-gaʼ -
wife's mother ne-zakʼ-ses-a-ke-ahʼ -
older brother ne-sanʼ-zä, ne-sǎ-säʼ ne-sanʼ-zä, ne-sǎ-säʼ
older brother's daughter nin-däʼ-nä nin-däʼ-nä
older brother's son nin̤-gwa-säʼ, neen-gwaseʼ-sä lan̤-gwä-lesʼ-sä, ne-lǎʼ-gwä-la-säʼ
older sister ne-misʼ-säʼ, ne-mis-säʼ ne-mis-säʼ
older sister's daughter ne-she-mis-säʼ, shames-säʼ nin-däʼ-nä
older sister's son lan̤-gwä-lesʼ-sä, ne-lǎʼ-gwä-la-säʼ neen-gwaseʼ-sä, nin-gwa-säʼ
younger brother ne-she-mäʼ, se-me-mäʼ ne-she-mäʼ, se-me-mäʼ
younger brother's daughter nin-däʼ-nä nin-däʼ-nä
younger brother's son nin̤-gwa-säʼ, neen-gwaseʼ-sä lan̤-gwä-lesʼ-sä, ne-lǎʼ-gwä-la-säʼ
younger sister ne-she-mäʼ, ne-go-se-mäʼ ne-she-mäʼ, ne-go-se-mäʼ
younger sister's daughter ne-she-mis-säʼ, shames-säʼ nin-däʼ-nä
younger sister's son lan̤-gwä-lesʼ-sä, ne-lǎʼ-gwä-la-säʼ neen-gwaseʼ-sä, nin-gwa-säʼ