Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
brother's daughter panidai panidai
brother's son ghawidai ghawidai
brother's wife acuti acuti
child's child adjuti, amadjuti adjuti, amadjuti
daughter apani apani
daughter's husband adjeye adjeye
father ame'e ame'e
father's brother adje adje
father's brother's wife cedai, sudai cedai, sudai
father's brother's older daughter dedai -
father's brother's older son gidai gidai
father's brother's younger daughter tidai tidai
father's brother's younger son tidai tidai
father's father aba aba
father's mother ama ama
father's sister amu, awu amu, awu
father's sister's daughter tcamandai panidai
father's sister's husband tsudai tsudai
father's sister's son cuwahondai ghawidai
father's sisters's older daughter dedai panidai
father's sisters's older son cuwahondai ghawidai
father's sisters's younger daughter tcamandai panidai
father's sisters's younger son cuwahondai ghawidai
father's older brother adje adje
father's older sister amu, awu amu, awu
father's older sister's daughter tcamandai panidai
father's older sister's son cuwahondai ghawidai
father's younger brother adje adje
father's younger sister amu, awu amu, awu
father's younger sister's daughter tcamandai panidai
father's younger sister's son cuwahondai ghawidai
husband bahan bahan
husband's brother aghon aghon
husband's father atda atda
husband's mother acanama acanama
husband's sister micibanidai micibanidai
mother ate ate
mother's brother atsu atsu
mother's brother's daughter cedai -
mother's brother's son tsudai -
mother's brother's wife wudai, mudai wudai, mudai
mother's brother's older daughter cedai -
mother's brother's older son tsudai -
mother's brother's younger daughter cedai -
mother's brother's younger son tsudai -
mother's father atsa atsa
mother's mother aka aka
mother's sisters's older son gidai gidai
mother's sisters's younger son tidai tidai
mother's older brother atsu atsu
mother's older brother's daughter cedai -
mother's older brother's son tsudai -
mother's older sister asu asu
mother's younger brother atsu atsu
mother's younger brother's daughter cedai -
mother's younger brother's son tsudai -
mother's younger sister ace ace
son keghawi keghawi
son's wife amoon amoon
wife kedahan kedahan
wife's brother awimaha awimaha
wife's sister acuti acuti
sister's daughter tcamandai panidai
sister's husband aghon aghon
sister's son cuwahondai ghawidai
older brother agi' agi'
older brother's daughter panidai panidai
older brother's son ghawidai ghawidai
older sister ade ade
older sister's daughter tcamandai panidai
older sister's son cuwahondai ghawidai
younger brother ati' ati'
younger brother's daughter panidai panidai
younger brother's son ghawidai ghawidai
younger sister's daughter tcamandai panidai
younger sister's son cuwahondai ghawidai