Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
daughter y' pho-mu y' pho-mu
daughter's daughter y' le-po-mu y' le-po-mu
daughter's husband y' mä y' mä
daughter's son y' le-po-khwǎ y' le-po-khwǎ
father y' pä y' pä
father's brother's older daughter y' t'-khwä-mǔ y' t'-khwä-mu
father's brother's older son y' t'-khwä-sau y' t'-khwä-sau
father's brother's younger daughter y' t'-khwä-mu y' t'-khwä-mu
father's brother's younger son y' t'-khwä-sau y' t'-khwä-sau
father's father y' phu y' phu
father's mother y' phe y' phe
father's sisters's older daughter y' t'-khwä-mu y' t'-khwä-mu
father's sisters's older son y' t'-khwä-sau y' t'-khwä-sau
father's sisters's younger daughter y' t'-khwä-mu y' t'-khwä-mu
father's sisters's younger son y' t'-khwä-sau y' t'-khwä-sau
father's older brother y' pha-te-te y' pha-te-te
father's older sister y' m'-gä-te-te y' m'-gä-te-te
father's younger brother y' pha-te-te y' pha-te-te
father's younger sister y' m'-gä-te-te y' m'-gä-te-te
husband - y' wä
husband's father - y' me-p'-gä-khwä
husband's mother - y' me-p'-gä-mu
mother y' mo y' mo
mother's brother's older daughter y' t'-khwä-mu y' t'-khwä-mu
mother's brother's older son y' t'-khwä-sau y' t'-khwä-sau
mother's brother's younger daughter y' t'-khwä-mu y' t'-khwä-mu
mother's brother's younger son y' t'-khwä-sau y' t'-khwä-sau
mother's father y' phu y' phu
mother's mother y' phe y' phe
mother's sisters's older daughter y' t'-khwä-mu y' t'-khwä-mu
mother's sisters's older son y' t'-khwä-sau y' t'-khwä-sau
mother's sisters's younger daughter y' t'-khwä-mu y' t'-khwä-mu
mother's sisters's younger son y' t'-khwä-sau y' t'-khwä-sau
mother's older brother y' pha-te-te y' pha-te-te
mother's older sister y' m'-gä-te-te y' m'-gä-te-te
mother's younger brother y' pha-te-te y' pha-te-te
mother's younger sister y' m'-gä-te-te y' m'-gä-te-te
son y' pho-khwä y' pho-khwä
son's daughter y' le-po-mu y' le-po-mu
son's son y' le-po-khwǎ y' le-po-khwǎ
son's wife y' dai y' dai
wife y' mä -
wife's father y' me-p'-gä-khwä -
wife's mother y' me-p'-gä-mu -
older brother y' wai-po-knwä y' wai-po-knwä
older brother's daughter y' pho-do-mu y' pho-do-mu
older brother's son y' pho-dokhwä y' pho-do-khwä
older sister y' waí-po-mu y' waí-po-mu
older sister's daughter y' pho-do-mu y' pho-do-mu
older sister's son y' pho-do-khwä y' pho-do-khwä
younger brother y' pu-po-khwǎ y' pu-po-khwä
younger brother's daughter y' pho-do-mu y' pho-do-mu
younger brother's son y' pho-dokhwä y' pho-do-khwä
younger sister y' pu-po-mu y' pu-po-mu
younger sister's daughter y' pho-do-mu y' pho-do-mu
younger sister's son y' pho-do-khwä y' pho-do-khwä