Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
ancestor minnanu, bisaju minnanu, bisaju
brother frade frade
brother's daughter netta netta
brother's son nebode nebode
child pitzinnu pitzinnu
daughter's husband énneru, bénneru, zénneu énneru, bénneru, zénneu
spouse isposu isposu
father padre padre
father's brother tiu tiu
father's brother's daughter sorrasta sorrasta
father's brother's son fradile fradile
father's brother's older daughter sorrasta sorrasta
father's brother's older son fradile fradile
father's brother's younger daughter sorrasta sorrasta
father's brother's younger son fradile fradile
father's father mannu mannu
father's wife (not mother) bidriga bidriga
father's sister tia tia
father's sister's daughter sorrasta sorrasta
father's sister's son fradile fradile
father's sisters's older daughter sorrasta sorrasta
father's sisters's older son fradile fradile
father's sisters's younger daughter sorrasta sorrasta
father's sisters's younger son fradile fradile
father's older brother tiu tiu
father's older brother's daughter sorrasta sorrasta
father's older brother's son fradile fradile
father's older sister tia tia
father's older sister's daughter sorrasta sorrasta
father's older sister's son fradile fradile
father's younger brother tiu tiu
father's younger brother's daughter sorrasta sorrasta
father's younger brother's son fradile fradile
father's younger sister tia tia
father's younger sister's daughter sorrasta sorrasta
father's younger sister's son fradile fradile
grandparent frade frade
husband maridu, pobiddu, pubiddu maridu, pobiddu, pubiddu
husband's brother conadu conadu
husband's father sogru sogru
husband's mother sogru sogru
mother madre madre
mother's brother tiu tiu
mother's brother's daughter sorrasta sorrasta
mother's brother's son fradile fradile
mother's brother's older daughter sorrasta sorrasta
mother's brother's older son fradile fradile
mother's brother's younger daughter sorrasta sorrasta
mother's brother's younger son fradile fradile
mother's father donnumannu, mannu donnumannu, mannu
mother's husband (not father) bìdrigu bìdrigu
mother's sister tia tia
mother's sister's daughter sorrasta sorrasta
mother's sister's son fradile fradile
mother's sisters's older daughter sorrasta sorrasta
mother's sisters's older son fradile fradile
mother's sisters's younger daughter sorrasta sorrasta
mother's sisters's younger son fradile fradile
mother's older brother tiu tiu
mother's older brother's daughter sorrasta sorrasta
mother's older brother's son fradile fradile
mother's older sister tia tia
mother's older sister's daughter sorrasta sorrasta
mother's older sister's son fradile fradile
mother's younger brother tiu tiu
mother's younger brother's daughter sorrasta sorrasta
mother's younger brother's son fradile fradile
mother's younger sister tia tia
mother's younger sister's daughter sorrasta sorrasta
mother's younger sister's son fradile fradile
parent parente parente
son fizo fizo
son's wife nura nura
wife fémina, matrona, pobidda, muzere, pubidda, cojube fémina, matrona, pobidda, muzere, pubidda, cojube
wife's brother conadu conadu
wife's father sogru sogru
wife's mother sogra sogra
sister sorre sorre
sister's daughter netta netta
sister's husband conadu conadu
sister's son nebode nebode
older brother frade frade
older brother's daughter netta netta
older brother's son nebode nebode
older sister sorre sorre
older sister's daughter netta netta
older sister's son nebode nebode
younger brother frade frade
younger brother's daughter netta netta
younger brother's son nebode nebode
younger sister sorre sorre
younger sister's daughter netta netta
younger sister's son nebode nebode