Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
brother ohoti -
child's child uhemialilu -
daughter pian -
daughter's daughter uhemialilu -
daughter's husband hapoap -
daughter's son uhemialilu -
father wiawod -
father's brother's daughter maná -
father's brother's older daughter maná -
father's brother's younger daughter maná -
father's father aseí -
father's mother halo -
father's sister's daughter maná -
father's sisters's older daughter maná -
father's sisters's younger daughter maná -
father's older brother's daughter maná -
father's older sister's daughter maná -
father's younger brother's daughter maná -
father's younger sister's daughter maná -
husband's brother - cunyatú
husband's sister - cunyatá
mother wito -
mother's brother's daughter itowoi -
mother's brother's son hamu -
mother's brother's older daughter itowoi -
mother's brother's older son hamu -
mother's brother's younger daughter itowoi -
mother's brother's younger son hamu -
mother's father aseí -
mother's mother halo -
mother's sister's daughter itowoi -
mother's sister's son hamu -
mother's sisters's older daughter itowoi -
mother's sisters's older son hamu -
mother's sisters's younger daughter itowoi -
mother's sisters's younger son hamu -
mother's older brother hamu -
mother's older brother's daughter itowoi -
mother's older brother's son hamu -
mother's older sister itowoi -
mother's older sister's daughter itowoi -
mother's older sister's son hamu -
mother's younger brother hamu -
mother's younger brother's daughter itowoi -
mother's younger brother's son hamu -
mother's younger sister itowoi -
mother's younger sister's daughter itowoi -
mother's younger sister's son hamu -
son curum -
son's daughter uhemialilu -
son's son uhemialilu -
wife's brother seruwai -
sister maná -
older brother ohoti -
older brother's daughter hapoap -
older brother's son mimi-hin -
older sister maná -
older sister's daughter hapoap -
older sister's son hapoap -
younger brother ohoti -
younger brother's daughter hapoap -
younger brother's son mimi-hin -
younger sister pian -
younger sister's daughter hapoap -
younger sister's son hapoap -