Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
brother apo apo
brother's daughter arodsa ambaki
brother's son arodsa ambaki
brother's wife iyaki atari
child yaxaxe yaxaxe
daughter aiyaki aiyaki
father ata ata
father's brother arodsa arodsa
father's brother's daughter atcu, atcugui atcu, atcugui
father's brother's son apo apo
father's brother's wife anidi -
father's brother's older daughter atcu, atcugui atcu, atcugui
father's brother's older son apo apo
father's brother's younger daughter atcu, atcugui atcu, atcugui
father's brother's younger son apo apo
father's father atsmo atsmo
father's mother atsmo atsmo
father's wife (not mother) anidi, amaki -
father's sister ambaki ambaki
father's sister's daughter - asui
father's sister's husband kuya -
father's sister's son ustci ustci
father's sisters's older daughter - asui
father's sisters's older son ustci ustci
father's sisters's younger daughter - asui
father's sisters's younger son ustci ustci
father's older brother arodsa arodsa
father's older brother's daughter atcu, atcugui atcu, atcugui
father's older brother's son apo apo
father's older sister ambaki ambaki
father's older sister's daughter - asui
father's older sister's son ustci ustci
father's younger brother arodsa arodsa
father's younger brother's daughter atcu, atcugui atcu, atcugui
father's younger brother's son apo apo
father's younger sister ambaki ambaki
father's younger sister's daughter - asui
father's younger sister's son ustci ustci
husband awatikwa -
husband's brother - atari
husband's father wepsit -
husband's mother awawit -
husband's sister - atari
mother ani ani
mother's brother apaki apaki
mother's brother's daughter - asui
mother's brother's son ustci ustci
mother's brother's wife ambaki -
mother's brother's older daughter - asui
mother's brother's older son ustci ustci
mother's brother's younger daughter - asui
mother's brother's younger son ustci ustci
mother's father akwit akwit
mother's husband (not father) kuya, arodsa -
mother's mother atcidi atcidi
mother's sister anidi anidi
mother's sister's daughter atcu, atcugui atcu, atcugui
mother's sister's husband arodsa -
mother's sister's son apo apo
mother's sisters's older daughter atcu, atcugui atcu, atcugui
mother's sisters's older son apo apo
mother's sisters's younger daughter atcu, atcugui atcu, atcugui
mother's sisters's younger son apo apo
mother's older brother apaki apaki
mother's older brother's daughter - asui
mother's older brother's son ustci ustci
mother's older sister anidi anidi
mother's older sister's daughter atcu, atcugui atcu, atcugui
mother's older sister's son apo apo
mother's younger brother apaki apaki
mother's younger brother's daughter - asui
mother's younger brother's son ustci ustci
mother's younger sister anidi anidi
mother's younger sister's daughter atcu, atcugui atcu, atcugui
mother's younger sister's son apo apo
son akui akui
son's daughter atsmo amo
son's son atsmo amo
son's wife awawit -
wife kahe, tarixsi -
wife's brother iyaki -
wife's father wepsit -
wife's mother awawit -
wife's sister iyaki -
sister's daughter apaki anii
sister's husband iyaki atari
sister's son apaki anidi
co- wife kusewahatu, amakwai, wusewaiki -
older brother apo apo
older brother's daughter arodsa ambaki
older brother's son arodsa ambaki
older sister atcu atcu
older sister's daughter apaki anii
older sister's son apaki anidi
younger brother apo apo
younger brother's daughter arodsa ambaki
younger brother's son arodsa ambaki
younger sister atcugui atcugui
younger sister's daughter apaki anii
younger sister's son apaki anidi