Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
ancestor ancêtre ancêtre
brother frère frère
brother's daughter nièce nièce
brother's son neveu neveu
brother's wife belle soeur belle soeur
child enfant enfant
daughter fille fille
daughter's daughter petite-fille petite-fille
daughter's husband beau-fils, gendre beau-fils, gendre
daughter's son petit-fils petit-fils
father papa, père papa, père
father's brother oncle oncle
father's brother's daughter cousine cousine
father's brother's son cousin cousin
father's brother's wife tante tante
father's brother's older daughter cousine cousine
father's brother's older son cousin cousin
father's brother's younger daughter cousine cousine
father's brother's younger son cousin cousin
father's father grand-père grand-père
father's mother grand-mère grand-mère
father's wife (not mother) belle-mère belle-mère
father's sister tante tante
father's sister's daughter cousine cousine
father's sister's husband oncle oncle
father's sister's son cousin cousin
father's sisters's older daughter cousine cousine
father's sisters's older son cousin cousin
father's sisters's younger daughter cousine cousine
father's sisters's younger son cousin cousin
father's older brother oncle oncle
father's older brother's daughter cousine cousine
father's older brother's son cousin cousin
father's older sister tante tante
father's older sister's daughter cousine cousine
father's older sister's son cousin cousin
father's younger brother oncle oncle
father's younger brother's daughter cousine cousine
father's younger brother's son cousin cousin
father's younger sister tante tante
father's younger sister's daughter cousine cousine
father's younger sister's son cousin cousin
husband conjoint, mari, époux conjoint, mari, époux
husband's brother beau frère beau frère
husband's father beau-père beau-père
husband's mother belle-mère belle-mère
husband's sister belle soeur belle soeur
mother mère, maman mère, maman
mother's brother oncle oncle
mother's brother's daughter cousine cousine
mother's brother's son cousin cousin
mother's brother's wife tante tante
mother's brother's older daughter cousine cousine
mother's brother's older son cousin cousin
mother's brother's younger daughter cousine cousine
mother's brother's younger son cousin cousin
mother's father grand-père grand-père
mother's husband (not father) beau-père beau-père
mother's mother grand-mère grand-mère
mother's sister tante tante
mother's sister's daughter cousine cousine
mother's sister's husband oncle oncle
mother's sister's son cousin cousin
mother's sisters's older daughter cousine cousine
mother's sisters's older son cousin cousin
mother's sisters's younger daughter cousine cousine
mother's sisters's younger son cousin cousin
mother's older brother oncle oncle
mother's older brother's daughter cousine cousine
mother's older brother's son cousin cousin
mother's older sister tante tante
mother's older sister's daughter cousine cousine
mother's older sister's son cousin cousin
mother's younger brother oncle oncle
mother's younger brother's daughter cousine cousine
mother's younger brother's son cousin cousin
mother's younger sister tante tante
mother's younger sister's daughter cousine cousine
mother's younger sister's son cousin cousin
parent parent, progéniteur parent, progéniteur
son fils fils
son's daughter petite-fille petite-fille
son's son petit-fils petit-fils
son's wife bell-fille, bru belle-file, bru
wife épouse, conjointe, femme épouse, conjointe, femme
wife's brother beau frère beau frère
wife's father beau-père beau-père
wife's mother belle-mère belle-mère
wife's sister belle soeur belle soeur
sister soeur soeur
sister's daughter nièce nièce
sister's husband beau frère beau frère
sister's son neveu neveu
older brother ainé ainé
older brother's daughter nièce nièce
older brother's son neveu neveu
older sister ainée ainée
older sister's daughter nièce nièce
older sister's son neveu neveu
younger brother frère frère
younger brother's daughter nièce nièce
younger brother's son neveu neveu
younger sister soeur soeur
younger sister's daughter nièce nièce
younger sister's son neveu neveu