Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
brother's wife dafu dafu
daughter ngofa fayaa ngofa fayaa
daughter's daughter cucu cucu
daughter's husband ngofa naunau ngofa naunau
daughter's son cucu cucu
father aba, papa aba, papa
father's brother's older daughter hira io
father's brother's older son io fira
father's brother's younger daughter hira nongoru
father's brother's younger son nongoru fira
father's father tete tete
father's mother nene nene
father's sisters's older daughter hira io
father's sisters's older son io fira
father's sisters's younger daughter hira nongoru
father's sisters's younger son nongoru fira
father's older brother papa, nyira, papa tua papa, nyira, papa tua
father's older sister goa goa
father's younger brother papa, papa ade, jojo papa, papa ade, jojo
father's younger sister goa goa
husband - raa
husband's brother - ?cofo
husband's father - ?tun
husband's mother - dun
husband's sister - dafu
mother yaya, mama yaya, mama
mother's brother's older daughter hira io
mother's brother's older son io fira
mother's brother's younger daughter hira nongoru
mother's brother's younger son nongoru fira
mother's father tete tete
mother's mother nene nene
mother's sisters's older daughter hira io
mother's sisters's older son io fira
mother's sisters's younger daughter hira nongoru
mother's sisters's younger son nongoru fira
mother's older brother paman, yuma, om nyira, mama
mother's older sister nyira, mama paman, yuma, om
mother's younger brother paman, yuma, om mama jojo
mother's younger sister mama jojo paman, yuma, om
son ngofa naunau ngofa naunau
son's daughter cucu cucu
son's son cucu cucu
son's wife ngofa fayaa ngofa fayaa
wife fayaa -
wife's brother ?cofo -
wife's father yodo -
wife's mother haha -
wife's sister tafu -
sister's husband tafu tafu
older brother io hira
older brother's daughter ngofa ngofa
older brother's son ngofa ngofa
older sister fira io
older sister's daughter ngofa ngofa
older sister's son ngofa ngofa
younger brother nongoru hira
younger brother's daughter ngofa ngofa
younger brother's son ngofa ngofa
younger sister fira nongoru
younger sister's daughter ngofa ngofa
younger sister's son ngofa ngofa