Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
brother's wife tutu, tehik ravak
daughter natuk natuk
daughter's daughter mambik mambik
daughter's husband pelegak pelegak
daughter's son mambik mambik
father te te
father's brother's older daughter hogotuk tutu
father's brother's older son tutu hogotuk
father's brother's younger daughter hogotuk tehik
father's brother's younger son tehik hogotuk
father's father bumbu bumbu
father's mother bumbu bumbu
father's older brother te te
father's older sister mbembe mbembe
father's younger brother te te
father's younger sister mbembe mbembe
husband - teme natuk, natuk taman
husband's brother - tutu, tehik
husband's sister - ravak
mother mbembe mbembe
mother's father bumbu bumbu
mother's mother bumbu bumbu
mother's sisters's older daughter hogotuk tutu
mother's sisters's older son tutu hogotuk
mother's sisters's younger daughter hogotuk tehik
mother's sisters's younger son tehik hogotuk
mother's older brother soguk soguk
mother's older sister mbembe mbembe
mother's younger brother soguk soguk
mother's younger sister mbembe mbembe
son natuk natuk
son's daughter mambik mambik
son's son mambik mambik
son's wife vinguk vinguk
wife natuk, vavine nanuk -
wife's brother tahuk -
wife's father pelegak -
wife's mother pelegak -
wife's sister vavine nanuk -
sister's husband tahuk tahuk
older brother tutu hogotuk
older brother's daughter natuk natuk
older brother's son natuk natuk
older sister hogotuk tutu
older sister's daughter soguk soguk
older sister's son soguk natuk
younger brother tehik hogotuk
younger brother's daughter natuk natuk
younger brother's son natuk natuk
younger sister hogotuk tehik
younger sister's daughter soguk soguk
younger sister's son soguk natuk