Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
brother's wife - wulu-
daughter ni'I ren̄e ni'I ren̄e
daughter's daughter ubu- an ren̄e ubu- an ren̄e
daughter's husband ren̄e mino qalega
daughter's son ubu- an 'am̄an ubu- an 'am̄an
father ama- ama-
father's brother's older daughter owo- uwa-
father's brother's older son uwa- owo-
father's brother's younger daughter owo- isi-
father's brother's younger son isi- owo-
father's father ubu- an 'am̄an ubu- an 'am̄an
father's mother ubu- an ren̄e ubu- an ren̄e
father's sisters's older daughter vēvē-, tētē vēvē-, tētē
father's sisters's older son tētē, 'ama- tētē, 'ama-
father's sisters's younger daughter vēvē-, tētē vēvē-, tētē
father's sisters's younger son tētē, 'ama- tētē, 'ama-
father's older brother ama- ama-
father's older sister vēvē- vēvē-
father's younger brother ama- ama-
father's younger sister vēvē- vēvē-
husband - gunu-
husband's father - qalega
husband's mother - qalega
husband's sister - wulu-
mother vēvē- vēvē-
mother's brother's older daughter vēvē-, tētē vēvē-, tētē
mother's brother's older son tētē, 'ama- tētē, 'ama-
mother's brother's younger daughter vēvē-, tētē vēvē-, tētē
mother's brother's younger son tētē, 'ama- tētē, 'ama-
mother's father ubu- an 'am̄an ubu- an 'am̄an
mother's mother ubu- an ren̄e ubu- an ren̄e
mother's sisters's older daughter owo- uwa-
mother's sisters's older son uwa- owo-
mother's sisters's younger daughter owo- isi-
mother's sisters's younger son isi- owo-
mother's older brother maru- maru-
mother's older sister vēvē- vēvē-
mother's younger brother maru- maru-
mother's younger sister vēvē- vēvē-
son ni'I 'am̄an ni'i 'am̄an
son's daughter ubu- an ren̄e ubu- an ren̄e
son's son ubu- an 'am̄an ubu- an 'am̄an
son's wife ren̄e mino ren̄e mino
wife gunu- -
wife's brother wulus -
wife's father qalega -
wife's mother qalega -
wife's sister nemes -
sister's husband wulus -
older brother uwa- owo-
older brother's daughter tētē tētē
older brother's son tētē tētē
older sister owo- uwa-
older sister's daughter tētē tētē
older sister's son tētē tētē
younger brother isi- owo-
younger brother's daughter tētē tētē
younger brother's son tētē tētē
younger sister owo- isi-
younger sister's daughter tētē tētē
younger sister's son tētē tētē