Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
daughter ek'aba -
daughter's daughter ekyebi -
daughter's husband ecebi -
daughter's son ekye -
father olo, aiya -
father's brother's wife bapa, newa -
father's father oca -
father's mother bapa -
father's wife (not mother) newa newa
father's sister's husband etcti -
father's older brother's daughter etsa etsa
father's older brother's son epa epa
father's older sister's daughter etsa -
father's older sister's son olo -
father's younger brother's daughter yapi yapi
father's younger brother's son yau yau
father's younger sister's daughter etcisbi, bapa bapa, etsa
father's younger sister's son olo, etcis olo
husband ewu -
husband's father emili -
husband's mother potca -
mother hama, na'a -
mother's brother's wife bo'a, demic -
mother's father pits'a -
mother's husband (not father) olo olo
mother's mother diya -
mother's sister's husband olo, oca -
mother's older brother's daughter ek'abi ec, yapi
mother's older brother's son ek'a, ta'a ec, ta'a
mother's older sister's daughter etsa etsa
mother's older sister's son epa epa
mother's younger brother's daughter ek'abi yapi
mother's younger brother's son ek'a yau
mother's younger sister's daughter yapi yapi
mother's younger sister's son yau yau
son ek'a -
son's daughter ecye -
son's son ecye -
son's wife ecebi -
wife misig -
wife's father emili -
wife's mother potca -
co- wife nok -
older brother epa -
older brother's daughter ek'abi yapi
older brother's son ek'a yau
older sister etsa -
older sister's daughter etcibi ek'abi
older sister's son etcis ek'a
younger brother yau -
younger brother's daughter ecye atsa
younger brother's son ecye atsa
younger sister yapi -
younger sister's daughter ek'ebi ek'ebi
younger sister's son ek ek